Exploring your Community’s Cultural Resources

Click here for People, Places and Culture Workshop Overview and Application

A community’s heritage assets can be valuable tools for community development and the retention of community identity and pride. Cultural resources are also an important pillar for the province’s tourism industry.

“People, Places and Culture” is a workshop offered to communities to help them identify, protect and develop local heritage and cultural resources.

How it Works

Our team of heritage professionals will take a community through the following process:

  • Asset Mapping – participants will identify heritage and other cultural assets and place them on a map. After assets have been identified, participants will be asked to identify any clusters of heritage resources or themes.
  • Identification of Ways to Protect, Commemorate, Celebrate and Develop Heritage Resources – community stakeholders will be asked what heritage and cultural resources are of particular value and how they might go about protecting, raising awareness and developing them. From this an action plan will be developed to identify key steps and the group will decide who will take responsibility for implementing the action plan.

This activity will help identify the range of tools (e.g., programs, services, funding) that could be employed by communities to engage in the protection, celebration and development of their heritage resources.

How to Get Involved

For more information on hosting a People, Places and Culture workshop in your community contact Dale at 709-739-1892, ext. 2 or dale@heritagenl.ca

Participating communities are required to cover the costs of holding workshops (a venue and any food costs) and to provide accommodation for the Heritage NL team for 1-2 nights (billets or accommodation at a local hospitality establishment).

Community Reports

Pouch Cove Clifton Lodge SUF #46 Adaptive Reuse Report: Looking Back and Possible Futures (2022)

Change Islands People, Places and Culture Workshop (2021)

Victoria Hall, Fortune: Show & Tell/Adaptive Reuse Report (2021)

Twillingate People, Places and Culture Workshop (2021)

Salvage People, Places and Culture Workshop (2020)

Deer Lake People, Places and Culture Workshop (2020)

Come By Chance People, Places and Culture Workshop (2019)

Carbonear People, Places and Culture Workshop (2018)

Harbour Grace People, Places and Culture Workshop (2018)

Flat Bay People Places and Culture Workshop (2018)